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June 2023: Summer Symposium in Trento, Italy

Symposium on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution

In collaboration with the renowned UC San Diego, the University of Trento and Resolutia, we are hosting a summer symposium in Italy on ADR and ODR. From 19 to 23 June 2023, world renowned experts from the European Union and the US will present our rich program with a comparative approach.

The symposium will feature engaging presentations by preeminent professors, workshops with top European and US mediators, and simulations with Honorable Retired Judges from California.

Our list of speakers includes:

  • Julia M. Dunlap, Esq., Director of Business, Legal, and Safety Programs UC San Diego Extension
  • Paolo Carta, Dean of  the Faculty of Law, University of Trento
  • Silvana Dalla Bonta', University of Trento, School of Law
  • Luca Dal Pubel, San Diego State University
  • Gernot Barth, Steinbeis Mediation
  • Maurizio Di Rocco, Resolutia
  • Pietro Ortolani
  • Adrian Schweizer, Steinbeis Mediation

The symposium will take place in the historically significant city of Trento. The program includes a guided tour to Trento and its castle, wine tasking and dinner at Palazzo Roccabruna, and a trip to Verona.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive an advanced mediation training certificate from the University of California San Diego in partnership with the University of Trento.

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